Camping In Faith

For me, a place to camp is as important as a place of worship.

While driving towards Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, under ominous lighting storms, my family and I found a campsite that provided rest and much more. The rains receded, and the darkness fell to light, making setting up for base camp much more effortless.  After drying off most of our soaked gear, my wife prepared the kitchen for another tasty camping cuisine. In turn, I searched for a place to worship.  Sunday was right around the corner, and we had lots to be thankful for.

After a satisfying supper, it was easy to see that our find was a gem!  With its bubbling clear brook and mist permeating from the mountainous hiking trails, Gulpha Gorge Campground was faultless.  Quintessentially, the find of an 1870 church known as Saint Mary of the Springs set our commitment to attend mass on Sunday morning in motion.

But first, we had to get out and explore!  Connecting with nature is connecting with our Creator, even when it storms.  And east of the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas, we encountered wildlife, sunfish, and architectural expressions of faith that brought us to our knees.  Literally!

I felt grateful to have been a visitor to this region. I often wondered how the early explorers, such as Father Marquette, 1673, felt while traversing the Hot Springs.  

For more information on this story, view this short film.


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From Seed to Sower